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Period Pain

Period Pain


What is Period Pain?

What is Period Pain?

Over half of women who menstruate experience period pain for around one to three days each month. While many will also experience headaches and other discomforts during this time, the term “period pain” is specifically used in relation to the aches caused by menstrual...

What is Backache?

What is Backache?

Most people will experience a form of backache at some point during their lives. This type of pain can be uniquely complex and difficult to diagnose and treat. This is because there are many different reasons for discomfort and a wide range of treatments that may or...

Period Pain But No Period

Period Pain But No Period

Many women consider cramping and pelvic pain to be signs that their period is on the way and will reach for trusted over-the-counter painkillers like Cipladon effervescent paracetamol. However, these symptoms, which are commonly considered to be period pains, can also...

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